WiSH Seminar Series

In 2020-2021, we marked the centennial of Dr. Franklin’s birth with a seminar series showcasing how “her-story” has poignantly influenced women in STEM.

To go deeper into the theme of each symposium, a seminar series is being launched to continue the conversation through the academic year.

Upcoming Events

Announcements for next year's seminars will begin in Fall 2023.


Previous Events

March 20, 2023
Lilia Cortina, PhD
University Diversity and Social Transformation
Professor of Psychology, Women’s & Gender
Studies, and Management & Organizations
University of Michigan

"Sexual Harassment in the Academy: From Science to Solutions"

More Information


February 1, 2023
Katie Watson, JD
Associate Professor of Medical Education, Medical Social Sciences, and Ob/Gyn
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Author - Scarlet A: The Ethics, Law and Politics of Ordinary Abortion (Oxford 2018)

"Are Women Still People Under the Constitution? Reproductive Justice, Women's Personhood, and the Contemporary Abortion Debate"

More Information

April 13, 2022
Lisa VanHoose PT, PhD, MPH, FAAPT
Clinical Professor - Physical Therapy Department, Baylor University
Owner and Executive Director of the Ujima Institute

"Building a Culture of Ujima for Female Success"

More Information



December 9, 2021
Amy Gottlieb, MD, FACP
Chief Faculty Development Officer
Baystate Health
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
UMass Chan Medical School-Baystate

"Closing the Gender Pay Gap in Medicine: Identifying Drivers of Inequity and Devising Solutions"

More Information


October 13, 2021
Eve Marder, PhD
Victor and Gwendolyn Beinfield Professor in Neuroscience/Biology
Brandeis University, Waltham MA

"When to Stay and When to Go"

Video & More Information