Travel Guidelines

All international university-sponsored (i.e., using university funds or university time) travel must be .

Individuals who travel for university-sponsored travel are expected to review and adhere to existing travel guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other relevant travel guidelines (e.g., place of destination guidelines, etc.).

Protocol for Exceptions to the RFU Travel Policy

Updated 9/26/22

While university-sponsored international travel remains prohibited across the university, RFU recognizes there may be limited and significant business needs that warrant consideration of exceptions to the current international travel policy. Each international travel experience must be independently submitted and reviewed. Therefore, the following updated Protocols for Exceptions to the RFU Travel Policy will take effect immediately:

  • Requests for exceptions to the existing Travel Policy regarding university-sponsored international travel will be considered on a limited, individual basis.
  • All university-sponsored travel must be registered using the existing Faculty and Staff Travel Registration Form or Student Travel Registration Form.
  • Individuals must demonstrate a significant business or learning need for the requested travel. University-approved Global Health travel may qualify.
  • Requests for an exception in accordance with this policy will be reviewed and approved at the Dean or Vice President level or higher. In cases where the traveler is a Dean or VP, approval will be granted by the direct supervisor.
  • Student requests for exception will be reviewed and approved by the Division of Student Affairs.
  • Non-registered and/or unapproved travel will not be considered university-sponsored travel and will not be reimbursed.