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Apply to Live at the Woodlands on Green Bay Apartment Community

If you are interested in moving to the Woodlands on Green Bay during the 2023-2024 academic year, please contact Student Housing at or 847-578-8769.  The Student Housing office will then confirm your student status with RFUMS, assign you to an apartment if one is available, and then forward your information to The Woodlands on Green Bay management office for coordination of your lease and move in date.

To apply for an apartment at the Woodlands for May 17, 2024 or after, please complete the Student Housing Application.  After the Office of Student Housing receives your application, we will verify your enrollment at RFUMS and then send you an apartment assignment.

The Office of Student Housing will make every effort to assign you to a space that most closely reflects your preferences. Apartment assignments for leases beginning in May will begin to be communicated April 15, as units become available.  Apartment assignments for leases beginning in August will begin to be communicated May 15, as units become available. Once assigned, you will receive an Assignment Letter from the Office of Student Housing asking you to confirm that you accept the assignment.  

