Wellness Outreach Presentations

The clinicians at Student Counseling Service (SCS) believe in creating a culture of wellness. We host Wellness Wednesday outreach presentations and offer a variety of wellness education series (3-4 sessions) on topics such as Executive Functioning Enhancement and Emotional Regulation 101. Student Counseling Service (SCS) clinicians provide wellness outreach presentations for faculty and staff, as well as, student groups on a variety of topics to address wellness and mental health, such as, Agree to Disagree: Managing Conflict in a Romantic Relationship or Changes: How to Make Meaningful and Lasting Behavior Habit Changes.

Requesting a wellness outreach presentation

Requests for presentations are best arranged at least 3-4 weeks in advance. The following details need to be discussed between SCS clinicians and the person or organization requesting the program:

  1. Purpose and goals of the program
  2. Date and time
  3. Length of program
  4. Location
  5. Audience size and composition
  6. Methods of assuring maximum attendance

To request a presentation, please email scs@rosalindfranklin.edu. You can use for added security when emailing. You can also call us on our confidential voicemail at 847-578-8723; please always leave a message.