Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Library Resources

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For our graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, staff, and faculty members to educate ourselves on matters of social inequality, particularly as they relate to the conduct of science and delivery of healthcare, we have generated a resource library, accessible to everyone in our learning community. Identification of library materials emerge from a wide range of sources, from current students to national organizations (e.g. American Association of Medical Colleges, Council of Graduate Schools, etc). Several examples of materials from a much broader collection of materials available to our graduate school community include:


  • Ebony and Ivy: Race, Slavery, and the Troubled History of America's Universities
    Craig Steven Wilder
  • Darwin's Sacred Cause: How a Hatred of Slavery Shaped Darwin's Views on Human Evolution
    Adrian Desmond
  • Seeing Patients: Unconscious Bias in Healthcare
    Augustus White
  • The Mismeasure of Man
    Stephen Jay Gould
  • Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong
    Angela Saini


  • T
    Kimberlé Crenshaw


  • National Public Radio

  • Race Forward