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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies believes that racism and all forms of social inequality, whether overt and/or systemically institutionalized in our society, is a highly significant detriment to the advancement of individuals, science, and our society. As such, we also believe that for our students to assume positions of effective leadership in the advancement of science for the benefit of all in our society, they must be knowledgeable and aware of the historic and current elements of racial inequality that limit progress in science.

In response to this need, we have installed two new curricular requirements for all graduate students in our programs. The first course, "The History and Philosophy of Science" is a required one-credit hour course, beginning Fall 2022, for all first year graduate students. The focus of this course is to explore the historical and philosophical underpinnings of current scientific research, and to utilize philosophical approaches to the theory and practice of scientific research. The course will provide a platform for discussion and education on matters pertaining to the role of science in our society, and the relation between the two.

The second course, "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Sciences" is a one-credit hour journal club course. Beginning the Fall of 2023, it will be required of all graduate students each year they are in a degree-granting program of study. The purpose of this course is to provide a platform for discussion, insight, and education on matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion that affect the conduct of science, the historic and current place of science in society, and the factors that reciprocally affect both society and science. The course will primarily focus on current topics at the intersection of science and society, particularly as they relate to diversity, equity, and inclusion.