Got It

Term Limits: Small or large group gaming to learn vocabulary terms

Learning Objectives

As a result of participating in this activity, learners will:

  1. Choose correct terms when given the definitions.
  2. Score themselves utilizing a simple grid.
  3. Justify their choices of terms based on the definition given.


  1. Assemble students into teams of 5-6 using some method to ensure diversity/interprofessionalism on each team.
  2. The “Got It” format is very flexible. It consists of a list of terms to be learned or confirmed. This list is printed into a bingo card format (the ‘sheet’, indicated below,) and a deck of cards with definitions that correspond to the terms is created (the “cards” indicated below). The format is flexible enough to accommodate nearly any topic or set of terms.
  3. Players are each given a “Got It” playing sheet, which consists of a grid with terms to be learned. These are reminiscent of a bingo card, utilizing terms rather than numbers. Sheets can be generated online if needed (see URLs below) to provide randomization and variety from player to player. The facilitator draws a card from the “Got It” deck, and reads the definition aloud.
  4. Players who believe they have a term that matches the definition offered may mark their sheets appropriately. The facilitator discards cards by laying them down in a fashion so that it is possible to know in which order the cards were read. Players who have a matching definition mark their sheets based on the order of the card. For example, if this is the third card read, and a player has a corresponding term, they would mark that term on their sheet with a “3”.
  5. The first player to get five terms in a row in any direction on their sheet claims “Got it”, and play ends. Players now listen as the facilitator reads the cards again in the order in which they were drawn, and the winner of the round explains their answer after each card to prove their results. Since not all definitions fit just one term, discuss any answers that have been used in the room in response to the definition on the card.
  6. The cognitive load of this game may be altered based on whether or not learners may rely on prompting materials, such as memory cards. Use of memory cards should keep the load lower than without them, which means the game can be used repeatedly as the terms become more familiar.


The format for this activity allows a lot of variation in content. It could as easily be used to engage terms from vocabulary as it could be to describe processes. This activity could be used for either formative or summative events. This activity could also be used by giving one sheet to a full team, encouraging discussion among its members as to the correct answer/definition.

To print answer sheets, consider tools provided at the following:


Small Group, Medium Group, Large Group: 120-250 people


Minimal Equipment - Printed bingo cards; terms list


One Hour



Team Membership

Utilizing a common framework and vocabulary can create efficiencies for teams by establishing a verbal short hand for team members. This should increase accuracy in communication as well as creating common expectations.

Debrief Questions

  1. What went well?
  2. What were the biggest challenges for you in participating in this activity?
  3. Some definitions may have been for more than one possible answer. How comfortable are you with that sort of ambiguity?
  4. If you used a memory card for this activity, how comfortable would you be without it?

Clinical Application

  1. Why does it matter to teams if there is common understanding of terms, processes, etc.?
  2. In healthcare, as in so many other professions, it is common to resort to the use of acronyms when referring to processes, etc. when speaking with colleagues. How might this become a problem across professions? What are the possible consequences?

Bloom's Taxonomy


TeamSTEPPS domain

Mutual Support
Situation Monitoring


Frameworks and terms are most useful when they are understood by all team members. This simple activity reminds players of the definitions of terms and checks their understanding of them.


For more information about how to utilize games, low-fidelity simulation, and interactive learning to teach concepts of teamwork and collaboration, contact

Related Tags

communication, inexpensive, low barrier, low resource, outcomes, purpose, shared mental model, teams and teamwork