Podcast Archive

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HelixTalk Episode #94 - The Sweet Sweet Taste of Annually Updated Guidelines: 2019 Standards of Diabetes Care

Date posted: April 16, 2019, 6:00 am

In this episode, we discuss the changes made in the American Diabetes Association’s 2019 Standards of Diabetes Care guideline as well as updates in therapy recommendations per ADA and ESDA consensus statement published in Fall 2018.

HelixTalk Episode #93 - Focusing in on ADHD Treatment

Date posted: March 26, 2019, 6:00 am

In this episode, we take a deep dive into the use of stimulants and other medications for management of ADHD. After decades of use, technology has resulted in changes to how they are administered. Furthermore new agents have become available, but are they an improvement?

HelixTalk Episode #92 - Why You Should Stop Using (Ab)normal Saline: NS vs. LR for IV Fluids

Date posted: March 5, 2019, 6:00 am

In this episode, we discuss IV fluids for hospitalized patients, including normal saline (0.9% NaCl) and lactated ringer’s. In addition, we review the newest literature supporting the use of balanced crystalloids over normal saline from the SMART and SALT-ED trials.

HelixTalk Episode #91 - 23 Reasons to be Excited about Personalized Medicine

Date posted: February 12, 2019, 6:00 am

In this episode, we are excited to have a special guest with us. Dr. Dyson Wake is Senior Clinical Specialist in Pharmacogenomics at NorthShore University HealthSystem’s Center for Molecular Medicine here in Chicagoland and is here to explain the current and future applications of pharmacogenomics to the area of personalized medicine, as well as expose some misconceptions.

HelixTalk Episode #90 - HelixTalk鈥檚 Top 10 Recommendations from the 2018 ACC/AHA Lipid Guidelines

Date posted: January 22, 2019, 6:00 am

In this episode, we review some of the most important new recommendations from the 2018 ACC/AHA guidelines for the management of blood cholesterol.

HelixTalk Episode #89 - Teaching Old Drugs New Tricks: Dramatic Drug Price Increases with the FDA Unapproved Drugs Initiative

Date posted: January 1, 2019, 6:00 am

In this episode, we will review the FDA’s Unapproved Drugs Initiative and how it has impacted the availability and pricing of commonly used (but old) medications, such as colchicine and vasopressin.

HelixTalk Episode #88 - Powerful Peptides: CGRP and the Paradigm Shift in Migraine Prevention

Date posted: December 11, 2018, 6:00 am

In this episode, we will discuss a new class of medications for preventing migraines called CGRP antagonists, including an overview of their development, clinical efficacy, and future goals of further research in this area.

HelixTalk Episode #87 - Everything You Need to Know 水蜜桃视频 Insulins - In One Shot! (Part 2)

Date posted: November 20, 2018, 6:00 am

In this episode, we continue to review insulin therapy including dosing-related specifications, dosing adjustments, injection technique, patient counseling pearls, and the concept of a sliding scale.

HelixTalk Episode #86 - Everything You Need to Know 水蜜桃视频 Insulins - In One Shot!

Date posted: October 30, 2018, 6:00 am

In this episode, we discuss a broad overview of insulin topics ranging from the various types of insulins, dosage forms, brand/generic names, pharmacokinetic nuances, injection technique, and a wide variety of clinical pearls.

HelixTalk Episode #85 - Sharp Updates from the Needle World: Vaccination Updates of 2018

Date posted: October 9, 2018, 6:00 am

In this episode, we discuss vaccine related updates with our vaccine expert, Dr. Lauren Angelo. The updates discussed in this episode include the new shingles vaccine, the variety of influenza vaccines on the market, and several other updates.