Caring about the wellbeing of people AND the planet.

As a university devoted to health sciences and professions, we’re dedicated to the wellbeing of the planet, which impacts the wellbeing of its population. Our efforts to promote campus-wide environmental sustainability are led by a Campus Sustainability Committee made up of faculty, staff, and students.

Here are some of the ways our commitment to sustainability plays out on our campus:

  • Our campus-wide recycling program diverts over half of our waste from the landfill. Recycling containers, positioned all over campus, accept mixed recycling, which is sorted after collection.
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Stations are available in our parking lots.
  • Biodegradable trays and utensils are used in the cafe.
  • Hydration stations all over campus are equipped with water bottle fill features to encourage use of reusable containers.
  • Sections of the campus grounds have been returned to their natural habitats, reducing our landscaping carbon footprint.
  • Our parking lots and facilities have been retrofitted with LED lighting, and we’re using a software program that helps us monitor and strategically reduce energy use.

For more about the efforts of our Campus Sustainability Committee, see its Mission Statement.